Houston monument san jacinto

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Thank you. Unspeakable tragedy—and a final, shocking victory. Judge Ken Wise, host See all blog posts. Read the latest issue. Frequently Asked Questions. Google Tag Manager. Blog Contact Us Donate Menu. Header goes here. Alert: The elevator and observation floor at the San Jacinto Monument are closed due to a maintenance issue. View Larger Map. Battleground: 9 a. Monument and Museum of History: 9 a. Upcoming Events October Michael K. Graves , Kenefick and originally West Orange,.

Great Grandfather was Thomas A. He served at San Jacinto. Great Uncle Ransome O. Graves was murdered at Goliad. Both were Texas Rangers. Donald L. Mercer , 13 States and residences. Three of my ancestors fought and died at this battle. I saw their names on the monument in April Abram, Eli and one more Mercer are listed! Suesly Ram , Madison, Wisconsin. Susan Hampton , Houston. Celia Martinez , Houston.

Jose xavier , Manaus. Thomas , center, texas. I loved the online exhibit about the development of railways around Texas. It is very interesting! Simran , Houston. Michael Tucker , Winter Springs, Florida. Such a wonderful monument to the heroes of the State of Texas.

Every American should be aware of the history of San Jacinto. Maria E Coyle , Houston. I love visiting and showing my son's our history,but I was very angry at the fact that the Confederate Flag was removed, no one had an explanation to. Lindsay Allen , Mesquite TX. Wonderful images selected for the on-line exhibit on Texas railroads! I highly enjoyed it. Thank you! Ronald Varner , Waco Texas. I may now live in California, but my heart is still at "home" Wade Clark , Cove, Texas. I live near the battleground, have been visiting the battleground for years.

Always enjoy walking around the battleground and viewing the history. Michael Tucker , Winter Springs. Had the pleasure of visiting the monument and museum this past March, I missed out on it the year before because I had never heard of it before. Jackson , Nevada. Frankie Caraway , Seguin. My great, great, etc. He was one of few Texians killed in the battle.

Carl Moss , Paducah, Texas. Terry Butts , Houston. My great-great grandfather was Edward McMillan. Her family donated gold to fund battle. Arch Yeomans , Gibraltar. Gibraltar is very much like Texas in how it fights to maintain its rights to self-determination. Freedom for Gib and Freedom for Catalonia Always a Texan! Retta Absher , Pearland Texas. I have been to several of the reenactments, unfortunately it seems they have had too much rain, but I keep coming back, I will see you in Cody Parish , Houston.

What a great way to show the kids their heritage. Susanna Patterson , Bedford, TX. David Wallace , Houston, Texas. I'll have to come visit the monument. Rowland C. Estrada , San Antonio, TX. My family and I visited this beautiful monument and showed them what it is to be a true Texan. Remember the Alamo! Toured the battleground for the first time last summer. I'll be back this summer! Betty H. Bailey , Coppell. A few years ago I acquired copies of 19th Century family papers from your library.

It was a thrilling find. Clyde Sayre , Houston Texas. Bobby J. Marshall , Nacogdoches. I hope to make it to San Jacinto someday. My great, gr,,,,,, grandfather was one of the three men that found Santa Anna out in the field where a marke.

San Jacinto S. Defnall , Carrollton, GA. I was able to visit this museum about 17 years ago.. Graves , M. Thomas A.

Graves was my great great grandfather. His brother Ransome was killed at Goliad. He was a surveyor and a Texas Ranger. He fought for Texas! JoAnne Eastman , Pueblo, Colorado. I plan to visit during the Festival. I am a great-great-granddaughter of General Sam Houston. My family owned this land. Jemima Gomez , Houston. Susan Sexton , Arvada, CO. My husband and I plan on visiting at the end of April.

James S. Patterson is my 3rd great grandfather and I look forward to visiting the site. Dave , Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Muller , Berlin.


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